Catedrala Notre Dames Paris

Notre dame de paris france.
Catedrala notre dames paris. Catedrala a fost construita intre secolele xii si xiii. Episcopul parisului maurice de sully a inceput constructia in 1163. Notre dame nu este chiar cea mai mare catedrala din lume dar cu siguranta este cea mai faimoasa. Cathedrale notre dame de paris is a unique building.
The notre dame cathedral paris or notre dame de paris meaning our lady of paris in french is a gothic cathedral located in the fourth arrondissement of paris france it has its main entrance to the west. The notre dame cathedral in paris went up in flames one year ago wednesday devastating one of the world s most remarkable places of worship. The restoration process hasn t gone according to plan. Turnurile au 69 de metri in timp ce spirala o anexa din secolul xix are 90 de metri inaltime.
Catedrala se află pe île de la cité în centrul parisului. It was devastating to see the terrible damage after the fire. Catedrala notre dame din paris în română catedrala doamna noastră cu referire la fecioara maria este un monument al arhitecturii gotice timpurii din franța sediu al arhiepiscopiei parisului. Notre dame de paris also called notre dame cathedral cathedral church in paris.
It is the most famous of the gothic cathedrals of the middle ages and is distinguished for its size antiquity and architectural interest. Notre dame de paris french. The island is on the eastern half of the île de la cité. Catedrala notre dame paris cele doua turnuri gemene si cele trei porti sculptate ale catedralei notre dame din paris sunt imposibil de confundat.
Nɔtʁə dam də paʁi. Catedrala trebuia construita in noul stil gotic dorindu se sa reflecte statutul parisului de capitala a regatului francez. Capodopera gotica este localizata in île de la cité o mica insula in inima orasului. The site on which the cathedral is built goes back to ancient times but notre dame was built over a period of many years starting in 1160.